Saturday, September 22, 2018

It's Fall, Y'all!

Today is the first day of Fall 2018!  How exciting is that?  Although Spring is my favorite time of the year, I am always ready for the start of Fall.  Farmer's Markets, Fall Markets, Holiday Markets...ready for it all.  And this year I have a new Fall favorite, Carrot Cake Jam!  Yes, you can get your veggies in your jam.  Kids, big and small, won't know that but you will.  It so good over cream cheese on a bagel.  After all, what is the best frosting on top of a carrot cake?  That's right, cream cheese frosting!  It is also good just dipping your cracker in a bowl of whipped cream cheese (have you tried that yet?  That is so good!) and the jam. 


made with pineapple, pears, carrots, lemon juice,
ground cloves, cinnamon, nutmeg, sugar, 
fruit pectin

Sorry for not having the label on the jar but they went just that fast.  I managed to get the picture before I had the labels ready and then just like that, they all went to new homes as soon as they were labeled.  My kitchen smelled like Thanksgiving while it was cooking.

Stay tuned as I have another soon-to-be Fall favorite coming up.

Until next time, keep on jammin!


Saturday, April 21, 2018

Corn Cob Jelly

How do you like your corn?  Popped?  On the cob?  Boiled?  Steamed?  Spicy?  With crawfish?  While all those are good, how about one more - Corn Cob Jelly.  Yes, you read that right.  Corn Cob Jelly.  It's a smooth, sweet as honey jelly that is made with corn cob juice.  Trust me, it tastes better than it sounds.

Start with a dozen ears of corn...

Yum...corn on the cob

Slice the corn off the cob...I now have 11 cups of corn in the freezer.

Boil the cobs, then strain to get the corn cob juice...

Cook the juice with sugar, lemon juice, and fruit pectin and voila...

Corn Cob Jelly...isn't it a pretty color?  And it really does taste as sweet as honey.  Actually I think it's a little sweeter.  No corn after taste was reported from anyone that taste tested it.  Well, there was that one person who said she got a very subtle taste of it at the very end.

Until next time, keep on jammin!


Sunday, January 28, 2018

Jelly on my ice cream?

I decided it was time to try something new so I made some soda jellies.  

 Jelly on my ice cream?  If it's Root Beer Jelly, then yes, please!  Just warm up a little of this jelly and top your vanilla ice cream with it.  Tastes like a root beer float! 

Strawberry Soda makes for a sweet tasting strawberry jelly.  Instead of using sugar to sweeten plain oatmeal, stir in this jelly to both sweeten and give a great flavor. 

Last but not least for my new flavors this week, Blueberry Jam.  While not a soda jelly, blueberries are good for you.  So go ahead and slather it on your biscuits and toast, warm up for topping on ice cream, frozen yogurt or vanilla yogurt or stir in your oatmeal for a great flavor.  

There are few more new flavors in the works so stay tuned!

Until next time, keep on jammin'!


Thursday, November 23, 2017

Cranberries and Peppers, Oh My!

One of the best side dishes on the holiday table is the cranberry sauce, whether it's the whole cranberries or the jellied cranberries (canned or fresh).  I love cranberries.  This year I decided to kick it up a notch and make a cranberry jam that consists of jalapeno and serrano peppers.  Say what?  Yes, you read that right.  My Cranpepper Jam is the perfect blend of sweet and tart then bam!, the heat of the peppers kick in.

Isn't that pretty?

 Not only is it good on the dressing (or stuffing, however you call it) and slices of turkey and ham, it's also great with cheese and crackers, because everything is Gouda on a Ritz cracker. 

And don't stop there!  The possibilities are endless.  I have had it with a garlic & herb goat cheese blend...on a Ritz cracker.  See, everything goes with a Ritz!

Until next time, keep on jammin!


Saturday, October 28, 2017

Dessert Jam

Who says jam is only for toast and biscuits?  I used to think so but now that I have tried so many types of jams I know differently.  There are the usual jams and jellies wonderful on toast, biscuits and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.  There are the savory flavors that are great as a spread or a dipping sauce for meats and as a topping for cheeses and crackers.  There are also jams that go great with fruit, frozen yogurt and ice cream...a dessert jam if you will.  And now to introduce you to my latest dessert jam...Caramel Apple Jam. 

Caramel Apple Jam

This jam is wonderful warmed up and used as a topping over vanilla frozen yogurt or ice cream.  Or just by the spoonful. 

Wonderful Dessert
Until next time, keep on jammin!


Sunday, October 8, 2017

Kiwi, mate?

Kiwifruit...refreshing and good for you, too.  It is a delicious way to cardiovascular health and offers premier antioxidant protection.  Packed with more vitamin C than an equivalent amount of orange, the bright green flesh of the kiwifruit speckled with tiny black seeds adds a dramatic tropical flair to any fruit salad...and jam.  So crisp, so fruity, so delicious.  

This jam is so good, fruity and a little sweet.  Spread on pancakes, a biscuit or stir a spoonful in your plain oatmeal or yogurt for added flavor.  

Until next time, keep on jammin'!


Friday, September 29, 2017

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a blue moon you come across something that is different, that is so good, that you want to share it with everybody.  A few weeks ago someone asked me if I had ever made beer jelly.  At that time, I had not but I would like to try it.  So I did.  And I came up with Once in a Blue Moon Beer Jelly.  The main ingredient is Blue Moon White Ale, which is a wheat beer.  It is a citrus - wheat beer jelly, with orange juice, and has a very subtle beer taste and tastes almost like honey.  It - is - good!  I will be making more. 

Then I decided to add some heat to my peach jam - jalapenos to be exact.  It is a nice blend of spicy and sweet.  While I do like it, as do my taste testers, I do believe that I will add some more heat as requested by some of my taste testers.  As for me, I'll stick with a mild heat.  I'm a wimp that way.  
Until next time, keep on jammin...