Friday, September 29, 2017

Once in a Blue Moon

Once in a blue moon you come across something that is different, that is so good, that you want to share it with everybody.  A few weeks ago someone asked me if I had ever made beer jelly.  At that time, I had not but I would like to try it.  So I did.  And I came up with Once in a Blue Moon Beer Jelly.  The main ingredient is Blue Moon White Ale, which is a wheat beer.  It is a citrus - wheat beer jelly, with orange juice, and has a very subtle beer taste and tastes almost like honey.  It - is - good!  I will be making more. 

Then I decided to add some heat to my peach jam - jalapenos to be exact.  It is a nice blend of spicy and sweet.  While I do like it, as do my taste testers, I do believe that I will add some more heat as requested by some of my taste testers.  As for me, I'll stick with a mild heat.  I'm a wimp that way.  
Until next time, keep on jammin...


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