Sunday, November 20, 2016

More than jelly...

So today I had two boneless, skinless chicken breasts that I wasn't sure what to do with.  I figured since I'm not doing jams or jellies today I would experiment with something.  So I got out the crock pot and did this:

I put the chicken breasts on the bottom and sprinkled them with a little bit of Italian Seasoning.  Then I chopped and added the following:

7 Green Onions
Grape Tomatoes - really only sliced them in half instead of chopping

Then I used the remainder of the Italian Seasoning to make Cilantro Lime dressing and poured just enough over the top to give it a little bit of liquid.  I put it on LOW for 7 hours.  There was just a hint of lime taste with the chicken.  It was fantastical. 

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