Monday, September 4, 2017

Time to Get Back on Track

It is time to get started on my Fall jams and jellies for the Fall Farmer's Market.  Due to kitchen issues I haven't been able to make any but hopefully soon.  LSJJ will begin gift baskets this season.  What do you look for in a gift basket?  Assortment of jams/jellies?  With cookies, crackers, sausage or pepperoni log?  With wine?  Drop me a comment and let me know what you like, whether it's for you, a relative, friend or co-worker, or just for a party. 

Now something else to get back on track...healthy eating.  Yes, I got off of that track recently.  I know, hard to believe.  ðŸ˜‰  So this morning I decided that a Green Breakfast Smoothie was a good start. 

Doesn't this look good?



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